QuickProxy has moved
I’ve just completed the move of QuickProxy and sites under it to the new site. This will allow me to better integrate a system like TRAC (which I’m currently planning on doing for QuickProxy) with the site itself.
For those that frequent the site you may notice some cosmetic changes, which have also allowed me to turn on threaded comments for the blog, to better keep track of things that go on around here.
I’ve also been able to implement some of the features people have suggested or sent me code snippets for, and I hope to have a new version available soon.
Update: Users that have subscribed to my RSS feed will need to update the address, as this has also changed. Feedburner will redirect the old feeds for the next 30 days, but to ensure that you stay subscribed please update the feeds to either:
- Main RSS: http://feeds.ozzie.id.au/QuickProxy
- Comments RSS: http://feeds.ozzie.id.au/QuickProxy-Comments
Hopefully with this new structure even if I migrate the site again the feeds will stay in place.
QuickProxy has become a Recommended Addon
It’s been a long time since QuickProxy was first launched, and apart from some cosmetic and behavior changes the extension remains as minimal as I can get it. I’m happy to announce that on the 11th of September, QuickProxy became a Recommended addon in its category.
While I was having a look around the site to see what this had changed, when viewing the section for Privacy & Security addons, I saw that QuickProxy was also on top for the Top Rated addon.
QuickProxy 2009.07.19 Approved!
The 3.5.* compatibile release of QuickProxy has finally been approved by the Mozilla editors, after 6 weeks from the initial release. I hope that the time that this took isn’t going to remain for any future versions that are submitted, specifically for versions that are required for future firefox releases. Those using the previous versions should now be able to auto-update to the latest version through Firefox, or you can get it manually by going here.
AusKreedz now Offline
With the change of hosts that underwent today, the game server’s that were previously hosted on the old host are now offline. I may eventually look at putting one or two servers up on this new server, but as I don’t use the servers anymore myself, and the servers just seemed to create more havoc than enjoyment, there isn’t much incentive to do so.
Change of Hosts
Apologies to any visitors who experienced the downtime that was caused by the changeover of hosts that QuickProxy and my other sites underwent earlier today. The site was down for several hours (sadly caused by a mistake on my part), but now should be back (or coming back, depending on DNS cache’s and the like), and better than ever.
QuickProxy 2009.07.19 Submitted
I’ve submitted the latest version for QuickProxy to the Mozilla team, and it should be pending renewal shortly. I’ll update this post once I have a confirmed link to the latest version, as the all versions page hasn’t updated with the new submission.
QuickProxy 2009.07.03 Submitted
I’ve submitted the latest version of QuickProxy to the Mozilla team for approval, and hopefully it wont take too long to go through, although there are ~200 odd extensions before mine in the queue =(. For those keen to get started you should be able to download the latest version by going to the QuickProxy page, and clicking on the See All Versions link (Or visit it directly here) .
Firefox 3.5 and QuickProxy
First I want to say thanks again for all the positive feedback I’ve receieved for this extension. Development is still active for QuickProxy, and I’m hoping to release a 3.5 compatible version soon. As the last version was rushed and contained bugs that could have been avoided, I didn’t want to repeat those steps with this release. We have almost completed testing the extension internally, and are hoping to have the last known issue corrected soon, with a new version being submitted to Mozilla for approval on Friday.
QuickProxy 2009.03.28 Known Bug
It appears in my haste to push out the new version, I overlooked an issue in the testing process with the “Open Browser Proxy Settings” button that was added. As this opens a Firefox preferences window, I glossed over this during testing, and assumed that it worked the same as it does in Firefox, although due to a few reports I’m getting from users, and testing done myself, it appears that editing information in the window created doesn’t get saved. I’m currently working on resolving this issue, and I hope to have a resolution to this quickly, but as it’s a native Firefox window I may need to just re-create the entire preferences screen.
Thank you all for the feedback I’ve received on the extension so far. Apart from these annoying bugs that somehow keep finding their way in it’s been a very positive experience for me.
Contact Forms
I’ve now added contact forms to both QuickProxy and AusKreedz pages. This will allow users of either to easily get in touch with me directly, to provide either feedback or bug reports/issues. I much prefer this over advertising my email address (which is different for both projects, allowing me to differentiate between the issues), as no matter how much you try to obscure the address it always seems to get farmed using some method and then passed onto whichever mailing lists. Google does have a fantastic spam filter, which does filter most of this out, but anything that I can do to minimize this is great. =)