QuickProxy 2009.03.28 Approved!
The latest version of QuickProxy has now been approved by the Mozilla addon editors, and is now available publically for download on their site here. This release will hopefully be well met by users, as the main reason why I pressed so hard for this to be released was due to a fix with the automatic behaviour of the extension.
QuickProxy 2009.03.28 Release
I’ve finally squished the last bug in the newest QuickProxy release, rushed by Mozilla approvers due to the previous release being held back because of the code structure. This should address that issue, and also maintain all of the functionality of the extension. The recode has been quite successful in optimizing the code of the extension, so hopefully it will be slightly more stable also.
QuickProxy 2009.03.19 Delayed
Unfortunately the latest release of my extension has been held back in the Sandbox by the Mozilla addon editors. This is because QuickProxy used loose javascript variables in the code (and has done since its inception), which can cause conflicts. I’m not sure why this warranted it being held back, as there would be no more conflicts with the latest release than with users using the previous versions of the addon, but this has forced me to bump forward the recode of the extension to make the QuickProxy javascript into an object.
QuickProxy 2009.03.19 Release
The latest version of QuickProxy has now been pushed to the Mozilla servers, and waiting on approval to become a public release. This update (finally) corrects the automatic behaviour of the addon, and has been updated to work on 3.1b3 or below.
Although there isn’t much here currently, I’ll be working on backporting updates to my separate projects to bring all the information back into one place. This will become the central point where I’ll be providing information on my current projects, as well as commenting on their status, and goals.